Little Wonders

Gratitude Challenge - Week 29 - Your Favorite Memory

I was not looking forward to my high school's Sadie Hawkins dance this year. From the theme (Neon Night) to my lack of a date, I wanted to curl up in bed and avoid the world, possibly reading a book and drinking tea, my usual Saturday night party.

Luckily, I have fantastic friends who convinced me to go; after all, the dance would be another one of the "last times" of my senior year. I still wore a black dress as a form of protest, but, in my defense, I had neon socks and a neon pink sweater.

Unexpectedly, I had the time of my life.

Before the dance, we all had a casual potluck dinner at a friend's house. Usually, the dinner is my favorite part of the dance; I find talking and laughing more fun than the pressure of a dark gym with loud music. This year was no different, some of my best moments of laughter happened at dinner.

Because we are seniors, we no longer show up to dances on time, so by the time we left for the school, it was snowing. The combination of the snow and the night sky was gorgeous; it gave me the push I needed to go to the dance. It seems silly, but sometimes those little signs from God are what I need to keep going.

This dance was casual, which decreases the stress considerably. Since I did not have a date, I was not worried; I did not have to entertain another person other than myself. I spent the night dancing with my friends, losing my inhibitions in a way that rarely happens to me.

I wrote about my favorite types of moments in my gratitude post last week - dancing, laughing, and feeling connected. Because those thoughts of gratitude were already on my mind, I think I was able to connect my favorite things in an environment that does not follow my conventional idea of happiness.

When I realized the theme for this week was a favorite memory, I racked my brain for for a favorite memory of mine. I have so many fond memories of childhood, but writing about those seemed to go against the very regretful nostalgia I want to avoid. So, I chose to write about a simple moment that, although it only happened a week ago, is a very true and beautiful memory.

This process of gratitude for the simple things reminded me of one of my favorite songs, "Little Wonders", by Rob Thomas. The chorus goes like this:

Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These little wonders
Still remain

Sometimes, being grateful for the little moments is priceless.
