Essential Literature

At first, I made a list of about ten books I wanted to bring with me to college, including my four favorite books, as well as a few others. Unfortunately, I soon realized I would have to choose between books and necessities. The only books I am bringing are ones I have deemed essential to college survival. If it were up to me (and if my dorm was larger than 154 square feet), I would bring my whole library with me.

  • The Bible
I have owned this St. Joseph's edition of the Bible since my First Communion in second grade, over 10 years ago. It bears my writing, tears, and prayers, and I am constantly comforted when reading passages, especially from Psalms and Proverbs.

This novel is the Common Book for the Class of 2020, meaning every freshman student is supposed to read it. I read it, loved it, and wrote about it, and I cannot wait to discuss it with my classmates!

I read this book for the Honors Program, and I am bringing it along for my first semester Intro to Honors class. This book fascinated me, and I am curious to hear the opinions of my classmates on the topics of happiness and religion.

  • Elements of Style by Strunk and White
A thorough grammar guide for every English nerd, this tiny book combines nitpicky English grammar nuances into a portable, and manageable, edition. From English essays to blogging to proofreading emails, I never fail to use this book.

  • Eyewitness Travel: Top 10 Los Angeles
A gift from my parents when I decided to attend Loyola Marymount University, I am going to depend on this travel guide to navigate my free time in the city of Los Angeles. I have anticipated exploring my new home since the day I committed, but I also have to be mindful of the top 10 things not to do in the city.

  • And One More Thing Before You Go... by Maria Shriver
My beloved middle school English teacher gave me this book as a going-away present this summer. A quick read, I finished it in one sitting, but I know the wisdom will prove to be valuable in the next year as I set out on my own for the first time.

  • Loyola Marymount University Community Standards 2015-2016
Not so exciting, but necessary, this volume details the rules and standards demanded of students "living in the Lion nation."

  • Four small notebooks
Although these are not books, I write in my beloved mini Moleskines and inspiration notebooks constantly. From grocery lists and checklists, to poems, quotes, and blog drafts, I need free paper near me at all times, especially when I cannot sleep at night. Notebooks keep my jumbled thoughts organized and all in one place.

More books will undoubtedly accumulate in my dorm room. I cannot wait to fill up my little space with as many books as possible, within reason, of course.
