Thanksgiving Book Haul

This is my current reading list - mostly for school, with a few thrown in for fun. I just returned from a three-day Thanksgiving hiatus in Colorado, and I brought home a suitcase full of books and somehow returned with more than I left.

On Friday night, I tried to go see my favorite poet, Andrea Gibson, read, but I encountered some snooty Boulder poets who turned me away. Instead, I went to Barnes & Noble and soothed myself by participating in some Black Friday book therapy. Plus, I visited my best friend and shopped in her enormous book collection. So this was the result:

I read two books on the plane back to LA, mostly to avoid the mountain of homework I have to do in the next three weeks. It was good to read for fun. As much as I love reading for class (and really I do and often spend hours researching just because I love it), it feels liberating to pick up an easy novel and read. So often, I have to analyze and force myself to get through books, and I forget how enjoyable it is to just read.

Hoping to get through these next few weeks so I can enjoy a book-filled Christmas break.
