Planted and Growing

Last year, I had some plants in my room, but I lived on the first, so I did not get enough light for them to be healthy. Then, over the summer, most of them died, so I had to fill some empty pots. For labor day, my best friend, Abby, and I went to buy some new plants. All have names and introductions need to be made.

The tiny cactus is my newest addition from the luxury greenhouse of our local Home Depot. I named her Amy after the villainous protagonist of the thriller novel and movie, Gone Girl. You can't tell in this picture, but Amy is crooked in the pot because she is so spiky, I could barely plant her. Hopefully, she will grow toward the sun.

The big pot houses my surviving old plant on the left, Halsey. She was the lone survivor of the hot summer, and she sort of ate her plant friend that was next to her in the pot. After some water and sunlight, she is looking a lot better.

Next to her is Troye, a gift from my RA boss at the beginning of this school year. He loves the sun, which makes his leaves turn pink. I am hoping he and Halsey will work out their roommate situation without killing each other.

Lastly, my friend Madeline surprised me with yellow flowers from Trader Joe's. I named this lil' plant Ryn. All of my plants are named after musical artists or fictional characters, and I am happy that my room this year has enough sunlight to sustain them.

As silly as my little plants are, they brighten my windowsill and always make people smile when they come into my room. Just like I have learned how to take care of plants better the second time around, I am also a better RA this time. My residents have been hanging out on my floor, and we have already spent more time together than my residents from last year.

It's interesting to see the different personalities of the classes and generations at LMU, and I am excited to watch these students (and my plants) grow this year.
