Managing Free Time

Gratitude Challenge - Week 41 - Hobbies
Managing Free Time

As much as I love attending school, writing essays, studying, dancing, and studying more, all of this can be so overwhelming. With looming AP tests and finals, I have to manage my free time almost down to the minute, and I am rarely seen without my planner. Those precious moments when I have nothing to do quickly become filled with the things I want to do. These are my hobbies.

Obviously, blogging is one of my favorite hobbies. Writing forces me to put my feelings on paper, to empty my head of the countless thoughts that can consume me. In turn, blogging introduced me to a newfound love of computers and technology, specifically photography and editing. I share a lot of these photos on this blog, but also on my bookstagram, which is a haven for pictures of the books I read and the tea I drink.

Another blessing blogging has brought to my life is the encouragement to read more. I have always been an avid reader, but my blog gives me the incentive to read more. I have not posted a book blog post in a long time (because I write essays about books all too often in AP Literature), but I am currently writing a post that should be published in the next week or so! Reading fuels my blogging, and blogging encourages me to read, a lovely mutually beneficial relationship.

Supporting my hobby of reading is my Goodreads account, a social media platform for book lovers and quote addicts like myself. I track all the books I read, and I save my favorite quotes, which is especially useful for writing essays and blog posts. My reading goal for 2016 is 50 books, and I am reading my 25th book right now, so I am halfway there!

I also love to bake and cook in my free time. Listening to music and baking equals instant stress relief. Cupcakes and muffins are my favorite food items to bake, and I love finding new recipes for breakfast foods because that is my least favorite meal. If you missed my last post on Pumpkin Muffins, be sure to try this delicious recipe!

Finally, never have I found such a treasure trove of information and useless nonsense as there is on Pinterest. This app combines my love of organization with quotes, DIY projects, healthy recipes, blogging tips, and much more. I am so grateful for all the little things that fill up my extra free moments; they keep me sane and happy.
