Sweet Sixteen

I am publishing this post a day early in honor of a very special occasion, my brother's sixteenth birthday! The strangest aspect of college is that life at home continues while I am gone. It is so strange to be missing events at home, especially since I have been with my brother for every one of his birthdays, since the day he was born. As part of my birthday present to him, here are sixteen things I love, and miss, about Stefan.

  1. When we shared a bathroom last year, he would always play his hard rock and metal music in the mornings while we got ready. What a wake-up call! While metal music at 6am (or any time really) was not my genre of choice, I find that I actually miss his music in the mornings, especially because I spend a considerable amount of time trying to be quiet as my roommate sleeps. 
  2. Beyond our morning adventures, one of my favorite parts of the day was our time together after school. From the daily rundown to shenanigans in the kitchen, I could always count on Stefan to make me laugh.
  3. From 3rd to 8th grade, and again senior year, I enjoyed sharing a school with my brother. Yes, seeing friends in the hallways brightens my day, but seeing my brother made me even happier. I miss sharing a school, but I am also so proud of the advancements he has made and will make on his own in high school.
  4. Whenever I needed a good session of venting, Stefan would always listen. Our separation of three years seems less to me; I value his opinion and honestly forget he is younger than me quite often. Yes, I give him advice on AP World History and how to navigate the age-old social obscurities of high school, but he gives me life advice. Which brings me too...
  5. His "pork and beans" attitude. This one requires some explanation. A few years ago, when we were in middle school, he liked this song called Pork and Beans, by Weezer. Essentially, the song advocates sticking to your true self and not being bothered by other people and their opposing opinions. Often, I would complain about something or someone I had no control over, and Stefan would remind me to just do my own thing. This advice still rings true every day of college - I could be constantly upset if I did not just let things go.
  6. On the weekends, we would spend hours together completing homework in our study, playing music and enjoying ourselves as we tackled the mundane necessities of the academic life. Now, I do a lot of homework by myself, and I really miss having my partner in crime to motivate me.
  7. For the past few years, we even danced in the same classes after school. Most people assume that spending hours together working for a perfectionist art form would cause competition, when in fact it merely brought us closer together. Sometimes, I look around my college dance classes and expect to see him, or share an inside joke, and it is foreign to not have him here with me.
  8. Drums and guitar to violin and piano, our house is a musical one. I have been playing my violin here quite a bit, but I find myself missing the motivation to practice. I admire Stefan's dedication to music - he can easily spend multiple hours in a day playing various instruments, while I struggle to practice for more than 30 minutes.
  9. Speaking of his drums, I miss hearing the sound of rhythm and even his annoying, yet endearing, use of the silverware to make beats on the kitchen counters. 
  10. I miss doing chores with him. Here, I do chores by myself and for myself. It is far more enjoyable to do chores for the greater good than just one person. With his attitude and goofy personality, chores were always, if inefficient, very fun.
  11. Spark and Nutmeg, our guinea pigs, like me because I was the designated manager of fresh food, but they love Stefan (because he is a pig whisperer). He is a natural with animals of any kind, and he possesses a patience I can only dream of having someday.
  12. The best part of having a younger brother who is taller than you is the opportunity for hugs. It is weird to not be able to hug him after school or before a big test.
  13. I miss talking in Spanish with Stefan - here, I only use Spanish to understand the woman who graciously makes my sandwich in the cafeteria. At home, we used to have full conversations in Spanish, and of course, we did a lot of Spanish homework together.
  14. Because of Stefan, I can hold my own in a debate about superheros and comic books. We read the comics every morning, and spent hours devouring the glorious, full-color Sunday morning comics. I read the newspaper online now, and there are no comics in the New York Times.
  15. Recently, I joined the Church choir music ministry at Loyola Marymount, and although I love the community, I miss singing in choir with my brother. We sang together for nine years, braving it through years of youth choir as the only two teenagers who would attend the rehearsals.
  16. In the past year or so, I came to enjoy driving in the car with Stefan. Ever since I could drive passengers, we would play music, laugh, and talk about life. Those are precious moments I will cherish forever.
I am so happy to celebrate my brother's 16th birthday from the sunny city of Los Angeles, and I hope that he enjoys every minute of the year to come.
