Writing & Studying

Gratitude Challenge - Week 48 - Your Job
College Orientation
I just returned from my two-day college orientation session. It was invigorating to see glimpses of campus life with my future classmates, but also terrifying because the reality of college looms in the not-so-distant future.

My job as a student requires significant amounts of writing and studying. Just when I think I have escaped the clutches of school, I learn of yet another assignment. This summer, I thought I could read books of my choice, but I just learned of two required readings for college! 

However, the tasks of student life have never become mundane to me. Perhaps it is because I am thoroughly dedicated to falling in love with whatever subject material I am studying, or maybe just because I am a super nerd - one of the two.

In fact, I have become enamored with the process of writing and studying, so much so that I started this blog and decided to pursue writing both in and outside of the classroom. June 23rd marked the one year anniversary of my blog, a mile mark I was not sure if I would accomplish when I started.

Within this one year, so much about my role as a student has changed. Last year, I was preparing to be a senior, stressing about college applications, and studying for AP classes. This year, I am about to face my freshman year of college, which brings new challenges as well as a different academic world.

For the first time in my academic career, I am able to combine my love of dance with my love of academia. At orientation, I registered for classes and received my first semester schedule. Each day, I will not only take academic classes, but also dance technique and choreography. After spending years attending school from 8am to 3pm and then rehearsal from 4pm to 9pm, this combined schedule is a welcome change.

In other words, there is going to be a lot more writing and studying, but also some dancing. 
