Some April Flowers

I cannot believe how fast the month of April went. After returning from my trip to Panama in March, I felt a bit lost and gloomy in this rainy Los Angeles spring season, but the month of April was so full of joy.

In early April, I performed in a piece created by my friend and fellow dance major, Monica Williams. Titled "Us/Time," the work explored the moments in our lives where time seems to slow to a stop. I absolutely loved dancing this contemplative piece alongside some of my closest friends in the dance program.

The show was extra special because my mom was able to visit, and we had a lovely weekend exploring the Venice Canals in the foggy weather. Two days later, I went home for a few days over Easter, which mostly consisted of me sleeping on the couch.

 After break, I had the opportunity to stage manage my friend Riley Higgins' thesis 16 Moments, and I loved working backstage for a change. That same weekend, I went out to brunch with some of my friends from Church Choir, and I felt so full of love I even managed to finish a ten page paper between all my events.

This week, my staff and I celebrated the end of the year by anonymously writing down the things we love and admire about each other. I confess I was a bit nervous, as I struggled to find my place on my staff this year. Everyone wrote such kind words and expressed so much love, which was so reassuring after such a tumultuous year.

I finished up my last dance final and turned in a poetry manuscript on Friday, so I am officially done with my junior year of college. My last commitment was to teach a dance class on Friday to my high school students, and they surprised me with flowers and the sweetest thank you note for all my hard work.

This events from this past month bestowed so much love on me, and I look forward to the next year of my life with excitement and gratitude.
