Better When I'm Dancing

This week has been filled with a lot of dancing. On Tuesday and Friday night, I watched the choreography of my classmates in the Student Dance Concert, and I am always amazed by the creativity and inspiration of my classmates. Last weekend, I saw six senior thesis performances and was equally awed. I gave a tour to a prospective dance major, which was an opportunity for me to brag about how much I love LMU and LMU Dance. Saturday afternoon, I went to LMU's Grupo Folklórico performance, featuring regional dances from Mexico. Then, I ran to my room, put on a dress, and danced all night at a formal.

Not a lot of things can stop me from thinking and stressing and worrying, but dance can, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to study and pursue an art that soothes my soul. I am heading into the last three weeks of sophomore year, so here's to two years of dancing and the two years to come.
