Why Would a Book Lover Like Me Blog?

I cannot stop thinking. My brain constantly churns through information, and I am never bored. Thoughts, ideas, and plans run through my head at all times. My stream of consciousness is endless and uninhibited. 

I used to blab nonstop to my family and friends about my thoughts, but honestly, they do not take interest in what I believe to be profound intellectual developments. I don't blame them either. Nobody, including myself, can handle the constant jabber of my voice.

Recently, I have been holding things in, keeping to myself. I am painfully full, brimming with ideas. So, I decided to start a blog. I do not even know if anyone will find my thoughts interesting, but they are yearning to be shared.

This blog will mostly follow my thoughts, so I doubt there will be a specific theme. I hope it becomes quasi-inspirational; that is, I want to blog about serious issues, not the trivialities of teenage life. There is so much more to life than makeup, drama, and the angst of teenage years, so I hope to portray this in my writing.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey.
