Year Two Memories: A List Poem

Free pastries at 12am. Watching the same rom com at the same time in different rooms and texting about it. Ten hours of sleep. Published writing. Running in the rain. Waking up to church bells. Bird song in the morning. Checked off to do lists. Poetry readings. Writing a grant. Sparkly eyeliner. A good ballet class. Being vulnerable around people. Changing hairstyles. London Fogs. The Wombats’ song “Turn.” Saturday omelets and biscuits. Sunday night choir. Office hours with a favorite professor. Fresh berries. Stickers, lots of them. Passing a test. Midnight poetry. Brussel sprouts. Breaking a streak of writer’s block. Finishing all of The Office. Seeing Misterwives live. Booking plane tickets. Pre-study abroad meetings. Tight hugs. Cancelled class. Contact improv. Tumblr friendships. Skype sessions with family. Travelling alone. Finding a new friend. Loving an old one. Yellow Hydro Flasks and yellow Converse. Throwing out stinky old ballet shoes. Romeo & Juliet. Getting the best spot in the coffee shop. How’s your hall? Dying hair blue. Going out (only once) on a Saturday night. Wall tapestries. Hummingbirds. Laundry on Saturday nights. Dropping too much money on a Halsey jean jacket. Milk tea boba. Incident-free duty nights. Bumblebees. Field Notes. Couches full of friends. Discovering a new band. Unmade beds. Morning yoga. This American Life. Free t-shirts. Poke bowls. Modern Love. Reading under Christmas lights. Staff meetings. Laughing until the tears come. Free mirrors. Running to the beach and back. The free campus shuttle. Falling in love with myself.
