100 Thankful Things

Gratitude Challenge - Week 51 - 100 Things To Be Thankful For

It took me nearly a year to compile this list of 100 thankful things. I am so grateful for these simple moments, most of which I experience every single day. Here are 100 things to be thankful for:
  1. Strong faith 
  2. Family
  3. New friends
  4. Education
  5. Books that make you think
  6. Light winter snow
  7. Misty spring rain
  8. Good health
  9. Wacky Sock Wednesday
  10. Hot tea on a cold day
  11. Ice cream on a hot day
  12. Dancing without inhibitions
  13. Music that makes you feel something
  14. Finding an old friend on social media
  15. Natural beauty
  16. Random acts of kindness
  17. School uniforms
  18. Prayer
  19. Old bookstores
  20. Empty theaters
  21. Art museums
  22. Contagious laughter
  23. Moments of pure happiness
  24. Birthdays
  25. Midnight donut runs
  26. Long weekends
  27. Birkenstocks
  28. Running
  29. Sweater weather
  30. Messy buns
  31. Glasses
  32. Chai tea lattes
  33. City lights
  34. Pumpkin muffins
  35. Sunsets
  36. Typewriters
  37. Record players
  38. Superhero movies
  39. Late nights
  40. Deep conversations
  41. Early morning peace
  42. Collaboration
  43. Legos
  44. Genuine smiles
  45. Vacations
  46. Creativity
  47. New ideas
  48. A clean room
  49. Finding motivation
  50. Old friends
  51. Summer days
  52. Swimming
  53. Sunrises
  54. Waking up rested
  55. Passionate teachers
  56. Falling in love
  57. Simple moments
  58. Finishing an arduous hike
  59. Long walks
  60. Bird songs
  61. Freshly baked cookies
  62. Watching the tide come in
  63. Guinea pigs
  64. Summer thunderstorms
  65. Amusement parks
  66. The chance to be a kid
  67. Little mountain towns
  68. Watching little kids play
  69. Achieving a goal
  70. Healthy food
  71. Studying for a test and getting an A
  72. Perfectly harmonized notes
  73. Belting songs in the shower
  74. First dates
  75. The moment on a rollercoaster before it drops
  76. Fresh flowers
  77. Beach boardwalks
  78. Spending time with friends
  79. Having a weekend with no to-do list
  80. Nostalgic memories
  81. Feeling pleasantly full
  82. Honesty
  83. Travelling the world
  84. Dreaming of the future
  85. Surviving the flu season without getting sick
  86. Anticipation
  87. The smell of rain
  88. Gardening
  89. The taste of peppermint
  90. Finishing a to-do list
  91. The feeling of feet in the sand
  92. Legos
  93. Eating outside
  94. Moments of inspiration
  95. Writing without stopping
  96. Quotes that capture feelings
  97. Refreshing perspectives
  98. Live performances
  99. Rereading an old favorite book
  100. Sunday morning newspaper
