Foggy Fall

It finally feels like fall in LA. For the first half of October, the weather was over 80 degrees most days, and I felt sluggish and tired. The heat in the not-air-conditioned dance studios makes it hard to endure my eight hour dance days. Even cleaning my room and doing laundry are hard when it is hot.

This week, the fall fog has set in. I got up early on Saturday and Sunday to work in the costume shop, and I love when I roll over in bed to see the fog seeping through my window. This is tea-drinking, Taylor Swift-listening, poetry-writing weather, and I needed it more than anything.

The art students wrapped the poles of the arts courtyard in paintings, and it made me stop and enjoy the moment while I was on my way to class. I walk through the courtyard at least three times a day during the week, often more, and I loved that the art made me stop and take photos of what I consider to be an ordinary sight.


I was on duty both nights of the infamous Halloweekend, and I managed to still get some sleep and enjoy the weekend. I am still upholding my junior year promise to myself and dressing up when I am not dancing (see outfit below). Otherwise, my life is pretty normal right now. I write a lot of papers and dance the most I ever have. I am thankful the fog has set in and ready for my life to make the transition to fall as well.
